Paddle Boarding: The activity you cannot miss this summer

Stand up paddle boarding is a fun activity you can do on oceans, lakes, rivers, and bays. It provides an excellent exercise routine that strengthens the entire body and provides a way to experience the beauty of the great outdoors. Best of all, it's perfect for people of all ages, body types, and skill levels. There's even enough room to paddle with a dog, a friend, a child, or someone else. Over the years, paddle boarding has continued to grow in popularity because it gives you the freedom to explore the beautiful waters that surround our planet.


The origin is attributed to Hawaii, on Waikiki beach, in the year 1960. Surf instructors used canoe paddles to have greater visibility and thus direct their groups, to observe the arrival of waves and to take photographs of their customers. The father of Paddle Surfing is John Zapotocky, originally from Waikiki and who passed away in 2013.

Benefits of Paddle Surfing

Paddle Surfing is a sport in which we can start at any age and with any physical condition. Few sports allow you to adapt and evolve as quickly as Paddle Surfing.

The proximity to sheets of water in our environment (sea, lakes, reservoirs, rivers,...) allow us to make a "getaway", thus releasing the stress that we accumulate in our daily lives.

No wind or waves are necessary to practice it and the standing position allows you a lot of visibility. It's a great way to relax, sunbathe, and stay fit.

Health benefits

In the practice of Paddle Surf we work all the musculature of our body gradually, without an impact on the muscle that causes an overexertion in the joints and therefore a risk of injury if it is not trained. There are few sports where all the muscles are worked aerobically and without impact.

  • Toning and stimulation of the upper and lower body.
  • Improvement of reflexes since the dynamic balance is worked on, thus avoiding accidental falls.
  • Promotes recovery after suffering an injury.
  • High caloric intake.
  • Prevention of pain and joint, muscle and bone injuries.
  • We increase aerobic capacity and muscular endurance.
  • We work on body symmetry and muscle development, achieving a slimmer body.
  • We improve our attitude towards everyday life.

Paddle Boarding in Puerto Vallarta

Once the benefits of the activity are known, it is time to discover those points where it can be practiced, such as Playa de los Muertos and Los Arcos de Mismaloya. Other nearby places are: the Marietas Islands, Bucerías, Sayulita, Quimixto and Las Ánimas.

The best time to practice it is during the early hours of the morning or during the sunset to have beautiful landscapes.